Animation Experiments
Personal work

Here are a series of animation experiments that I’ve done recently. Animation allows me to explore illustration on a different level, applying movement as another element that allows for a wider range of possibilities and plays into the conceptual construction of the image.

The rest of this text has been generated by an AI because my SEO recommends that I have more words on each post, so here it goes! :)

Illustration and animation experiments can be very rewarding when used creatively! Whether it’s a personal project you undertake or animation for an existing client, animation combined with illustration often help create something visually engaging. Experimenting with animation and illustration styles can help build up a portfolio of examples that really showcase your creative knack. Have fun exploring texture, color, shape, line, and motion in your animations– don’t be afraid to try something new or push yourself out of your comfort zone to create something unique! Make sure each animation is part of a larger narrative; adding elements like audio effects or visual surprises throughout adds more depth to the animation and makes it even more memorable.

Exploring animation and illustration experiments can be a highly rewarding experience for any creative artist. By investing time in personal work, animation and illustration artists can develop their portfolios and sharpen their skills. Experimenting with frame by frame animation offers endless opportunities for exploration – from the texture of the animation to its look and feel. Taking risks and exploring during animation experiments can lead to unexpected results that bring life and depth to the artwork. And using shape, color, line and texture as part of an animation experiment can help pave the way to more refined illustrations in animation projects moving forward.

loop animation of a woman turning
loop animation of a volcano eruption
loop animation of a volcano eruption
animation of a face mouthing the word fantastic and then crying