Psychological Safety

Client: Atlassian

Teams perform better when they feel safe to speak up and take risks. That means developing trust, open communication, and acceptance. Managers are the key to cultivating this kind of environment. However, doing so in a remote setting creates additional challenges. We’ll talk about how team leads can help create communication practices that transcend the digital divide. This piece will focus on soft skills such as active listening, allowing people to pursue work-life balance to avoid burnout (not expecting responses after work hours, for example) and building human-to-human relationships, rather than manager-to-worker relationships.

Here’s a link to the article on the Work Life Atlassian blog.

illustration of a group of people design together a digital flower arrangement
screenshot of the Work Life Atlassian blog with an illustration about psychological safety by isabel albertos
screenshot of the Work Life Atlassian blog with an illustration about psychological safety by isabel albertos